Baby G

One thing I have really tried with my second baby, Grant, is to TRY spending as much time focused on him as I can. I know a lot gets lost with the second baby so I try my best to be aware of this fact. One thing I have been able to keep up with are  Grant’s monthly photoshoots. For his five-month pictures, I didn’t want any involved set-up, but rather just us hanging out in the nursery. After all, that is our home. The place we spend our every day life in and I wanted to capture this. As a bonus, I have always wanted a picture of my little guy sleeping on me because in my mind that is the picture of motherhood. You spend so much of your time dedicated to them sleeping and nursing so I wanted to capture this. As luck would have it, about 15 minutes into the session you told us you had had enough and it was time to bounce you to sleep. At last, me with make-up on, my hair done, the camera out, and a little boy asleep on my shoulder 🙂

Oh what a sweet, sweet boy you are. You are filled with everything pure and wonderful and everything I dreamed of when praying for a healthy baby to love. Your little baby coos fill our house with the best joy in the world. When things are getting tense or stressful all I have to do is take one look at you and you make me forget about what was upsetting. Looking into your eyes and picture perfect smile brings me right into a happy, present place.

I always hope you love our little family that God brought you into.  Thankfully, you think we are funny. Oh yes you do. Real, true belly laughs just happen at the most random times and fill the house with such a pleasant happiness. These belly laughs occur when Mom coughs or while watching brother Broderick jump on the bed.  Every day before nap time Broderick says, “Want to make Grant laugh” and jumps over and over again until you give him a laugh (or at least a smile). He loves you so much and enjoys seeing you happy as much as we do.

One of your favorite things to do is sleep. You are one sleepy boy. Somehow, we lucked out in the baby sleep department. I like to think it’s because we put in our time with Broderick that God decided to go easy on us this time. I call you our little old man, because every night, right around 7:30 you are ready for bedtime in your crib. You don’t want to be rocked to sleep while out at a restaurant, or cuddled up with Mom, but you want to be in your dark room so you can have your evening feeding, and then placed in your crib. You search for that little thumb as quickly as possible and you doze off in silence.  You sleep like this until 6:00am. Every night.  I think it’s too good to be true, but yet again we make it through the night without a peep from you.

You have a new interest in food and I know you are secretly counting down the days until your first taste of the “good stuff”.  Yesterday, you wouldn’t stop staring at the food while Broderick and I were eating, so I gave you an apple to suck on. Broderick was very concerned about me giving this to you because “Grant doesn’t have teeth.” He watched you for a solid 30 seconds to make sure you were okay before resuming to eat his own meal. I tell you, he loves you so much you don’t even know.

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Shan Cait El Dorado Hills Photographer

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