
Oh my dearest Grant-Man. Words cannot express how thankful I am for you. You are such a bright light in an already lively house. You have the most kissable cheeks I ever did see and those little arm rolls don’t get seen nearly enough because we are dead in the middle of winter so they are always covered.

Month three was your month buddy — the month you started to come alive. You look around for things to interest you, whether it is the tv, a friendly face, or a silly car being shoved in your face.  Just tonight you were so tired, but you sat there watching your brother play. You were watching his every move and all of the action in the room that you forgot it was bedtime.

You love to be smiled at and your face lights up with excitement. Your whole body begins to wiggle with joy. You are so incredibly chill and save your cries only cry for when we are dressing you and it’s time to put your arms through the shirt.  Seriously, your Dad and I comment in amazement at what a great baby you are.

Naps are a favorite past time of yours. You can be found dozing off in the car, in your swing, or best of all in my arms. However, you still can’t seem to make it longer than 4 hours without eating, so we are both up at least 2x a night. I often find myself wanting more time to soak you in. To have 100% of my attention on you and only you. Because of this, I try to hold you a little longer during your afternoon nap while brother is sleeping. During his time, I just stare. I watch you little mouth continue to do sleep-sucks, and your eye lashes flutter, all while your hand is resting on my chest. I love you Grant-Man and can’t wait for you to join in the fun, but for now I will hold you a little longer while I still can 🙂

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