Grant | 6 Months Old

G-man!!! You are a true dream baby. We marvel at your genuiene happiness and contentment. You recently got a good handle on rolling and feel the need to do this over the entire living room in order to reach something that is much to far out of your reach. While on your back, you ball your legs in close to your chest and thrust the entire weight of your legs and upper body over and pop up to your forearms in one quick motion stopping on your tummy for only a second before letting your head fall to the ground and rolling on to your back again.  You might be little, but you sure are fierce and determined. Your favorite toy is a green stackable ball and will reach as far as your little hand will stretch to grab it. You will attempt to reach anything within your eye sight for that matter – the Starbucks straw, your bath soap, or an iPhone.  During diaper changes, you insist on grabbing the blinds and this drives me bonkers! You are to young to understand “no” and plus how can I ever say no to a face like that?

You and Broderick already have a special bond together – one that I never predicted or imagined, but I know it’s there and can feel your love for each other. This love is one that I did not teach you guys but one that comes from within. Broderick hates to hear you upset or cry and gets truly distraught, loses focus over what he was doing, and goes running to you to try and make it all better.  I let you suck on an apple because you were desperately reaching for it and Broderick thought for sure I was trying to kill you because he knows “Grant doesn’t eat yet because Grant doesn’t have teeth.” He stopped eating for a good 30 seconds and watched intently to make sure you were going to be okay. Broderick is waiting so patiently for you to be big enough to play cars and trains with him and tries to involve you in any way he can which means doing  ‘perments (experiments) to see which color car you would like best — for now we think you like the green one. True belly laughs usually come as a result of your brother. You love when he throws his big blue ball high in the air….no idea why you think this is so funny, but I’ll take it! Nothing makes me happier than to see you two enjoying each other and laughing together.

You are our little old man and love your bedtime. You want to be in your crib, lights out with a full belly of milk by 7:30pm. Any later will not be tolerated. After your nursing, you find your right thumb, stick your fingers in the air, and drift off to sleep until sometime around 6:30 in the morning. Yes, dream baby I tell you.

While you are the happiest baby around, you have hit a new stage and this is one of the hardest– that is the “only Mom, all-the-time stage.” You want to be carried 100% of the time and only by Mommy. And for goodness sake, I better not leave your eye sight or else full wails will erupt followed by the cry when you have totally lost it that somehow sounds like you are laughing but you definitely are not. This is so hard for me because I want to be there and hold you and make you so happy but I cannot do this 100% of the time so it gets exhausting. But on the other hand, it feels good to know that I am the one you need. No one else can replace me. I am your Mommy, your comfort and your safety. You are becoming aware of this big world around you, and I am your one constant love. So, I will soak it all up as much as I can because there will be one day when you don’t need me anymore so I will try to savior these moments with you next to me, wrapped up tightly in your Moby while I attempt to keep our life in order 🙂

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