Grant | 10 Months Old

Dear Grant,

Today is your 10-month birthday, it was not unlike many of the days recently, but remarkable nonetheless. It is remarkable how perfect a baby you are.

 You are calm and cool. When you wake up from the night’s sleep you really don’t even cry. You let out a few “na-na” sounds and move about in your crib until we hear you on the monitor and make our way up to your room. It’s more of the same when we put to sleep, you protest by pushing off our chests looking into our faces and grinning with only your two bottom teeth. Generally, you prefer to not be rocked to sleep, rather you lay down when you’re ready and fall asleep on your own accord. When we’re on the move, you just assume it must be nap time and drift off. We recently took to Los Angeles, a drive of about seven and a half hours each way and you barely made a peep. We put you in the pack-and-play in a new place to nap and sleep and no problem. However, when it’s time to play, you are game. You are unfazed by the temperature change when you take your first dip into the pool, you just splash with no flinch. Yesterday I took you on your first ride on the bike and you took it with coolness, no fear. It definitely was not your favorite activity, but you gave me no protest. By the end you were making “ra-ra” sounds pointing at trees and cars.

 We call you little “Mr. Independent.”  You already play well on your own, but the way you eat is a good example of your independence. You don’t have a favorite type of food, rather, your favorite food is whatever you are able to feed yourself. Cheerios, steamed carrots, bananas, peas, bread crumbs, and chicken. You like it better when you can feed yourself. I think you see your brother feeding himself and you want to immediately jump to that phase. You are lucky because your Mommy appeases your desires and chops your food, sets it on your high chair and lets you have it at. You grab food by the hand full, squish it through your fingers, put your whole fist in your mouth and eat it. You make an amazing mess, from head to toe. Avocado and banana are the worst, you cover yourself in a thin glue. From dinner we have to take you to straight to the bath, but you love that too.

 For a while, I’ve also called you little “Shan-man” because you look so much like your Mom. You have her wonderful eyes, the same color skin and you have the softest handsome looks. This week Grandma Z pulled out some pictures of Mom when she was your age. You are twins. Don’t worry buddy, it’s a good thing. In the morning and in the evening ,near bed, you’ll just take a break and put your head down. Sometimes you’ll crawl over to mom, or me, or even just lay your head down right on the high chair. It’s so awesome, we laugh every time and look at each other because we can’t believe how cute you are.  You’ve gotten your cuddliness from Mom as well.

 Me, Mom and Broderick are loving every day with you, Grant. You are remarkable.

 Love – Dad

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