My Smiley Guy


Broderick, you light up my life. Everyday, I am blessed to be able to watch your every move, every smile, and every giggle. People say you are an energetic little guy and will be a handful to take when you get older, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

You are so curious about the world. You have a handful of favorite toys, but you know the second a new one gets added to the collection and it quickly becomes your new favorite. Grandma calls you bam-bam because you are always banging toys, your hands, or anything else around. Slamming is the more appropriate word for this endless action.

You love to be outside. You get so proud when I carry you on my hip and love the wind in your hair on our morning walks to the end of the driveway. We take a few minutes to watch the sun fill up the front yard as the turkey’s and deer grab their morning breakfast.

You are growing into your own little person and getting a taste for your likes and dislikes. You have become quite fond of the dogs and your face lights up whenever they are around. You are so kind and do your best to be gentle when petting them despite the excitement billowing inside of you.

You have the cutest little smile that melts our hearts. When you want to giggle, you stare with a half smile waiting for someone to make you laugh. Real belly laughs can be from a quick game of peek-a-boo with Grandpa, or Mom being a bobble head, or Dad hiding around the corner ready to tackle you over the pillow fortress he built for you.

Broderick, we have enjoyed everyday of these past 8 months with you and can’t even imagine our live before you came into it. Love, MommaElDoradoHillsPhotographer_Baby2 ElDoradoHillsPhotographer_Baby4 ElDoradoHillsPhotographer_Baby5

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