9 Month Angel

Broderick, at almost 9 months old you have really come alive the past week. You wave bye-bye in the cutest way that only you can do, by raising your arm straight out and tilting your head to the side and then you give one of your special, light up this world grins. Grandma had been working with you on this so you could wave hi to your Grandma in LA.

Daddy took you in the pool for the first time on Saturday. Everyone was shocked you didn’t cry but I knew you would be fine because you love to try new things and enjoy when you get a little bit scared (to mommies dismay). When you try new things you hold your head real high and look around to make sure everyone knows, including me, how proud you are of yourself.

You have so much energy and it is very hard for you to turn it off to go to sleep. You want to keep playing and taking the world in.  At times, you leave your Dad and I very frustrated at this because we don’t know how to best handle you. I pride myself in being able to communicate with you and meet your needs even when no words are spoken but this one stumps me. You fight sleep so bad. When you nurse, you do pretend jumps in my arms or stop to blow raspberries with your mouth. You reach for things that you have no chance of grabbing, such as the ceiling fan, just so you can prevent yourself from sleeping. I hope one day you learn to channel this excitement into something you really love because no doubt it will get you far in life.

Peek-a-boo is your all time favorite game and last week you just started playing it back with the sheet while you and I were sitting in bed doing our morning routine….I bring you to bed and you play while I try to make sure you don’t crawl off while attempting to catch a few more moments of rest.

You have been such a great travel partner and travel like a true angel. Sleeping in the car when needed and waking to play with mom in the backseat. Your first few months of life have not been easy on you as we have already moved once and will be moving again in a few weeks but like everything else you give us your all and do the best you can. It blows my mind how good you can be.

I love you Broderick and am proud to be your Mommy.










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